In my psychiatric practice, I treat a spectrum of people, from high functioning professionals and their families, to young people starting out at their first jobs. Having been in practice as a psychiatrist since 1997 as an adult psychiatrist, I have expertise in all types of anxiety and mood related problems such as Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety/Shyness/Performance anxiety, Phobias, OCD, Hypochondriasis or excessive medical worries.
I have expertise in treating eating disorders and food related issues such as overeating, binge eating and bulimia, offering both medication based approaches as well as therapy based treatment. I also treat other compulsive behaviors like gambling, sex addiction, and excessive shopping.
I treat addiction and substance use problems both with therapy as well as medication assisted treatment or MAT. This includes alcohol, marijuana and cocaine use.
I also work extensively with people who do not have any psychiatric diagnosis, but who are struggling with issues such as work-life balance, job dissatisfaction, marital issues, sexual problems, infidelity, interpersonal issues in the workplace or at home, infertility related stressors, anger problems, trust /intimacy issues and other topics which benefit greatly from psychotherapy.