Medication Treatment for OCD
The good news is that medications, typically SSRI antidepressants, can really help reduce OCD symptoms and often allow the therapeutic skills and behaviors to work.
Also, many people who start medications for OCD discover that they help with anxiety in a variety of ways that are not even what brought you in for treatment. Sometimes we see sleep improve, skin picking or hairpulling improve or resolve and a decline in fretting, ruminating and catastrophizing.
What If Medications Don’t Cure my OCD?
You may have heard that OCD is hard to treat, and this is true, in the sense that it often requires higher doses to get a response than it does for depression or anxiety. And if your OCD is severe, we may not be able to make it all go away. But take heart. I am armed with evidence based treatment decision-trees that give us LOTS of options of various approaches and medications to try.
You should know that some patients actually get quite a bit of relief at low doses. And also, even if your symptoms only improved 40% for example, that can represent all the difference in the world! Sometimes with a reduction in symptoms you can now apply therapy skills that just didn’t work before, or maybe this reduction allows you to join family or friends on a trip, or get your symptoms under control enough that you’re no longer late, or so that you can keep them more private and not draw attention.
Are you ready to make an appointment with a Psychiatrist specializing in OCD?
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